
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Chinese - New Year - Year of the Horse

Challenge # 3  Chinese - New Year - Year of the Horse

Before we start discussing this week's challenge we need to clear up from last week's challenge first. Many thanks for the entries which were amazing,  it is always difficult to narrow it down to the Top 3, but this week Jan has made the decision and we would like to send our congratulations to the following.....In  no particular order the Top 3 Winners are..............

# 13 Linda Simpson
Jan loved the colours and tranquility of this card.

# 15 Shaz
Jan couldn't resist these little baby lion cubs

# 32 Twisted Witch Lin
Jan loved the idea of no designer papers for this card.

Please pop onto the Winner's tab ladies to collect your Top 3 badge.

We would also like to give a special mention to a  new crafter who made this card 
using Promarkers to colour with for the first time, supervised by Mummy.

Well done Brandon who is 7 years old. 
We do hope to see you entering our challenges again. 

Now to this week, we were amazed how many entries last week included horses, for that is our challenge this week,  yes ladies, keep those stamps or images out, you'll be needing them this week. The Chinese New Year celebrations will be in full swing on January 31st, each year is symbolized by an animal, 2014 is of course, the HORSE. So, we would like to see any individual or combined entry of  horses, new  year or anything Chinese, as we say happy new year to all of our Chinese readers.  Time now to see the wonderful inspiration from the Design Team. Have fun everyone, please add your entry to the In Linz below.

We are so looking forward to seeing the many your entries, have fun everyone and for the Chinese, I'm not sure whether this is Cantonese or  Mandarin
 Gong Hey Fat Choy  - Happy New Year

(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Monochrome for your Guyz

Wow, thanks everyone for the amazing response to our first challenge last week. I would also like to express thanks and appreciation for the lovely comments made. I and the team are thrilled, making us so much looking forward to our future challenges.
 Before we get started on Challenge #2 I need to announce the Top 3 for 'Happy Birthday'. Not an easy choice to make, made even more difficult when some cards could not be included in the decision for they didn't show their entry as being  for a Birthday. The greatest difficulty being the very high standard of entries, how to choose? It was decided because we had over 50 entries during our first challenge, as a thank you we are, for this week, awarding 5 winner's badges.  To claim your Top 3 (5) badge please go to the Winner's Badge and Winners Tab under our blog title, where the list of winners will be displayed each week after the winners are announced.
Top 3  (5) Winners (in no particular order)
#6 Kim T

#23 Annie

#24 Kate

#32 Kim X

#54 Michelle Lancaster

For our Challenge #2 Jan has chosen MONOCHROMATIC - your project needs to be based around ONE colour,  for contrast you can add black, white, cream, kraft, ivory or another similar low pigment.

Let us see the lovely cards from the Design Team



(Linkup closed)

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Our First Challenge - 'Happy Birthday'

Welcome to Cardz 4 Guyz, this being our very FIRST challenge.  Here we are, all ready to go, excited, nervous and hoping you will come along and join in with our challenges. We all need a card for a guy, young or old, some time or another, and how many times do we hear,  'I find men's cards difficult'. No more my friends. We are really looking forward to seeing your creations and sharing those of the Design Team.
The rules are under blog header. you can also meet the Design Team on the top bar,  to get to know them, though some of us may already be known to you.

 Challenge #1 

'Happy Birthday'

Let me now show you the Design Team's first set of cards, which hopefully will inspire you to join us. 


(Linkup closed)

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Only 4 days to go!

Only FOUR days to go then a NEW challenge blog
Will be launched. 
We are already behind the scenes. 
The design team are so excited  do hope you will enjoy the challenges we have planned.
Everything to suit the Guyz whether they be Babes, Tots, Teens, Twenties, through the ages
to sweet adorable retired old gramps, we will be making cards and projects for them all.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Only 6 more days

Only 6 more days till the beginning of CARDZ 4 GUYZ.  Please feel free to take our logo and let your friends now, we are so excited to be launching a challenge blog purely for male projects. Yes, cards will feature highly from our team and possibly from the entries but here we love all forms of paper craft work. So we may be occasionally throwing in a different form of project, a case of wait and see. Remember this new challenge blog will be aimed to make projects/cards suitable for males - from birth (or nowadays - even shower parties) to Great-Grandpa's ancient birthday. Or as my autistic grandson said when he was told his Grandfather was 69 , Wow! that's a BIG number!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

7 days to lift off!

Well we have 7 whole days to wait for lift off, exciting times ahead. Please feel free to add our logo to your blogs and mark we are opening on TUESDAY 14TH JANUARY with our CARDZ 4 GUYZ Challenge Blog. Hope to see you there.

Monday, 6 January 2014

8 days to go - to lift off

Yep, only 8 days to go to lift off. We are all so excited at the thought of starting our new challenge blog
CARDZ 4 GUYZ . I noted, with sadness, in December that the long running Cards for Men  closed  to which I was a regular contributor. This was I suppose the push I need to start my own blog, which I have dreamed of for a few years. now we are ready, to kick off Tuesday 14th January , I am truly shocked and sad to have read yesterday that another wonderful blog for male cards, Here Come the Boys has decided to close down. i am sure soon, another male projects blog will be created and popping up in blogland, but don't forget WE are here from in 8days. hope to see you then, joining us. It would be great if you could add our logo to your blog to let everyone know we are coming. See you soon.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Introducing the Design Team

Many thanks to those who applied for a Design Team position on this new blog. I am so pleased we have a mixture of Design Team novices and experienced. We are all looking forward now to our first challenge on TUESDAY 14TH JANAUARY 2014.  I am waiting for more pics and info to add to Meet the Team, but let me introduce you to part of the team first. Please click on the tab bar - Meet the Team.