
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Challenge ~ 12 - Make Us Laugh

Hello everyone, thank you for stopping by, I hope Mother's Day was an enjoyable day for all those who celebrated. We challenged  you last week to make a project with 'Gone Fishing', thanks to everyone who took the bait and threw in their line, by having a go. Janice set the challenge and has chosen the Top 3, congratulations ladies, please take a Winner's badge from the Winner's Tab just under our header,.

1. #  3  Cards by America
Clever creation - out of the box -meeting the challenge.

2  # 1 Cally
Filling the generation gap, a wonderful fishing card

3. # 2 Shaz
Again, an out of the box interpretation, with humour.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part in the fun. 

Here we are April 1st, April Fool's Day, so I thought we could have some fun with our next challenge, the challenge I, Caz, am giving you is 'Make Us Laugh'   You can make any project, any medium to be used. ~The challenge being to create something which will add a smile or even a laugh to celebrate April Fool's Day. Please check our rules, most importantly, we are a challenge group for MALE oriented projects, we cover from baby showers to dear old granddads. I would appreciate you keeping your projects in
Good Taste - we do not wish to offend anyone, I would sadly have to remove any unsuitable entries,
Okay,  the Design Team have once again made some fabulous cards which we all hope will inspire you to create. We are still a new challenge group and would love for each of you here to tell your friends about us, we all need male cards, so let's get lots more ideas with more entries. Thanks everyone.

Thanks to the Design team, once again wonderful inspiring projects.
To find out more about the cards click on the DT member's name and go to their blog to see how they made their cards. 
Thank you for visiting us and we do hope you are inspired to join us in this challenge.
Please click on the In Linkz below to enter your card and good luck, we have noticed it can take a minute or so before it appears, please be patient it will work. 


  1. Thank you for picking my card as a top 3 winners.

  2. Thanks to Caz for inviting me to join in - just scraped in at the last minute!
