
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Challenge # 37 -Water

Wow! Many thanks to everyone one of you for making our last week's challenge such a success. You certainly took to the challenge of No Designer Paper with great enthusiasm. Of coure this has made Helen's job of choosing a Top 3 even more difficult than ever, but the task must be carried out and here are the lucky Top 3. in numerical order.
Top 3 Winners
# 12  Chris F

# 22  Pamellia

# 27 Lorraine A

The call to increase our DT has now closed, however, I am still looking to increase the number of our team, so I am going to leave the DT Call open  with all the details available in the tab  bar below the header. If you have never been on a Design Team, but enjoy making male orientated cards, if you partake in challenges, it isn't a difficult task, you could think of it as taking one small step in adding to your creativity adventure. If you don't like it, you only need to say, Sorry , and are free to go.
I will be introducing the new DT members next Tuesday.
Now let us see what we are doing for this next week.

Challenge # 37 - WATER
Kim has chosen the challenge and will be announcing the Top 3 next Tuesday,
 so don't forget to pop back, you could be a winner.
Your project can be about water in any way, on it, in it, under it, looking at it.
Let us see what the Design Team and our Guest Designers for September have for your inspiration.


Guest Designer -  Andrea

Guest Designer - Vicky




Thanks to the Design Team and our Guest Designers, Andrea and Vicky. 
I am sure you will be inspired to enter our challenge 
If you would like more information , just click on their name to be taken to their blog.
Don't forget about the on-going DT  and Guest DT Calls, the first step is to add 
DT or GDT after your name. 
To enter the challenge please click on the blue box below. 


  1. Oh my gosh! Thanks you so much for choosing my Tim Holtz inspired card as one of your top three!! I am so thrilled! Congrats to the other winners as well!! Such a talented DT, I love what they came up with for the water challenge, have to put my thinking cap on. See you again soon! :)

  2. Thank you for the honor! I am tickled to have found this challenge - Male cardz are always a little bit tougher for me :)
