
Tuesday 19 May 2015

World Wildlife

Hello, welcome to our weekly challenge blog which aims to help you create cards for the 
GUYZ   (of all ages,)  in your life.  We help you to see that making such cards is not difficult .

Thanks to everyone who joined us, last week, making own marks,  we had some fabulous entries.

 Julie has chosen the Top 3 Winners, in numerical order  .........

Top 3 Winners

#5 Cornelia
Fab contemporary with lots of mark making

# 15 Nick
A great image and overall design,  really  eye catching

# 20 Rachelle G
Loved all the layers behind the beautifully coloured image.

Congratulations ladies, please take a copy of the Top 3 Winner's badge from above.

Moving on to our next challenge, chosen by Kim

Challenge # 71 

World Wildlife

Starting with Kim, let's see the journeys taken by the Design Team.









Guest  - Chris

Guest - NanConnie

Wow! Once again, an  amazing display from the Design Team.
Thanks to our Guest Designers and the Design Team.
To see more of the team, click on their names, on the side bar, to go direct to their blogs.
If you would like to be a Guest Designer, please add GDT on your entry.
We love to give all of our players a chance to be a Designer.


  1. Great inspiration by your design team!

  2. Just came over here to see what your latest challenge is all about and what do I see - my card as #1 - yipeee!!!! You made my day! Thanks everyone and congrats to the other top 3!
